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4 Things You Didn’t Know Dentists Do at Your Checkup

October 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 12:44 pm
A dentist explaining the importance of routine dental checkups in Selbyville

When it comes to dental checkups, most patients think these appointments just focus on your teeth. More specifically, they assume the visits only check to see whether you have cavities. However, the truth is quite the opposite! You see, your regular, six-month checkups involve many other things that ensure good oral health. In fact, your local dental practice can prove it: Here are four parts of your visits that demonstrate the importance of routine dental checkups in Selbyville.


Why Do Dental Checkups Involve X-Rays?

October 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 11:45 am
A dentist pointing to dental X-rays in Selbyville

While most parts of a dental checkup make immediate sense, other parts can seem confusing at first. In particular, you might wonder why the process involves X-rays. After all, aren’t those tests for severe injuries like bone fractures? The truth, though, is that dental X-rays in Selbyville serve an essential purpose. Furthermore, they work best when you get them every few years. To learn more, here’s a summary of the matter from your local dental practice.


Flossing with Invisalign: A Step-by-Step Guide

September 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 3:51 pm
a man flossing with Invisalign in Selbyville

Have you decided to undergo Invisalign treatment to achieve a perfectly straight smile? By wearing clear aligners, you’ll be able to improve your teeth alignment comfortably and discreetly, without the hassle of metal brackets and wires. You’ll also be able to enjoy all your favorite meals throughout the process. However, it’s still important to practice good oral hygiene to preserve your teeth. Read along to learn why flossing with Invisalign is crucial for your smile and the proper way to do it!  


What Should I Do When My Dental Implants Feel Loose?

September 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 11:10 pm
Dentist showing patient dental implant

Dental implants can change your life, restoring confidence you may not have had in years. Now you can smile bigger, eat better, and live life to the fullest. So, if you’re eating lunch at your favorite diner and feel your implants start to wiggle, you might panic. It may seem like all these changes are going to be undone.

Fortunately, if you live near Selbyville, loose dental implants don’t have to mean the end of the world. This guide will let you know what to do about loose implants, and how your dentist can help you.


Eating Healthy on a Soft Food Diet

August 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 10:54 am
Examples of what to eat with temporary veneers (or crowns)

Wearing temporary veneers (or crowns) may not seem like a big deal initially. After all, these prosthetics let your dentist prepare the final product and offer a preview of treatment results. However, did you know you’ll need to follow a soft food diet as part of the process? Other, harder meals could harm your oral health during this waiting period. That said, you’ll probably want to prepare some healthy food options beforehand. Luckily, your local dentist can help you. Here’s a summary of what to eat with temporary veneers (or crowns) in Selbyville.


Can Chipped Teeth Get Better on Their Own?

August 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 9:37 am
Close-up of a chipped tooth

Compared to other dental injuries, chipped teeth sometimes don’t seem like a big deal. After all, they don’t amount to tooth loss; all of your pearly whites are still where they should be. You might think the teeth in question can thus get better on their own. However, the truth is that chipping isn’t something enamel can heal. To truly recover, you’ll need treatment from a professional dentist. To learn more, here’s a summary of how to help your chipped tooth in Selbyville.


How Can Dentures Impact Your Sense of Taste?

July 20, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 5:28 pm
woman tasting food while wearing dentures in Selbyville

Are you struggling with moderate to severe tooth loss? If so, then you may be considering replacing your missing pearly whites with dentures. While this is a popular method for restoring smiles, it can also influence your taste buds in the long run. So, how will you be able to enjoy your favorite foods with your new restorations? Keep reading to learn how dentures can affect your sense of taste and ways to reduce the impact!


How Does Vitamin D Help with Dental Implant Success?

July 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 3:10 pm
examples of sources for vitamin D in Selbyville

Are you struggling with one or multiple missing pearly whites? One of the best ways to replace them is with dental implants. Once they’ve successfully bonded with your jawbone, you can be sure to enjoy the natural look and feel of your full smile again. However, the success of your treatment will heavily depend on osseointegration. One essential nutrient for this process is vitamin D. Read on to learn how this substance can help increase your dental implant success and the best ways to obtain it!


My Tooth Was Knocked-Out; Can I Replace It Myself?

June 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 6:07 pm
Woman in shock after her tooth was knocked out.

According to the American Association of Endodontists, around 5 million adults and children get a tooth knocked out every year! When this happens, it is usually sudden and unexpected—and even a little unsettling! But how do you know if you should try to replace the tooth yourself, or allow your dentist to handle it? Keep reading to learn more about displaced teeth and why simply putting it back in yourself isn’t always an easy option.


7 Toothache Symptoms That You Shouldn’t Ignore

June 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 5:23 pm
Woman experiencing pain from a toothache.

There’s nothing like an aggravating toothache to ruin your mood! Dental emergencies can happen when you least expect them; and they often occur when it’s especially inconvenient. That said, how do you know when your pain is serious enough to warrant a trip to your dentist? Keep reading to learn more about seven toothache symptoms that you shouldn’t ignore and why visiting your dentist promptly is a wise move.

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