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Foods to Enjoy and Foods to Avoid After Dental Implant Surgery

February 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 8:21 am
Three small glasses of yogurt topped with fruit

Your dental implant surgery is coming up soon, and you’re making mental notes of the temporary changes that you will need to make. Outside of being extra gentle near your surgery site, there won’t be too many changes to your dental care routine, but what about your diet? Keep reading to learn what foods you can enjoy, foods to avoid and what to expect once you get your new implants.


5 Truths You Should Know About Dental Implants

February 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 8:16 am
An illustration of an implant being placed into a jawbone

People of all ages get implants every year to replace missing teeth, but there are still many misconceptions when it comes to this treatment. The idea that dental implants require a lot of maintenance or that they often fall out are simply not true. Keep reading to learn 5 true facts about implants that you should know. 


Why You Should Schedule Your Dental Visit Early in the Year

January 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 6:07 am
Woman at dental checkup

Now that 2020 is finally over, you are probably already planning on all of the exciting things that will happen in the coming year. Whether you have a resolution to hit the gym more often, or you are trying to eat a little bit healthier, one thing that you shouldn’t be forgetting about is your dental checkups. In fact, there is no better time for you to schedule your appointment than now. Continue reading to learn a few reasons why this is the case.


How to Find the Best Dentist for Your Dental Implant Surgery

January 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 7:12 am
Patient at dentist

Are you missing teeth? So are 178 million other Americas. You certainly aren’t alone. Fortunately, we live in modern times, so you don’t need to settle for gaps in your smile as a result of previous injuries, decay, or other issues. Dental implants are a preferred tooth replacement option according to dentists and patients alike. When you go in for your procedure, you want to be sure that you are being treated by a dentist who you truly trust. You need to know how to find the best implant dentist. Here are some things to look for.


What to Know Before Returning to The Dentist After a Long Hiatus

December 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 12:51 pm
Dentist sitting at a desk speaking to patient about an X-ray

For some, visiting the dentist just hasn’t fit into their busy schedule. For others, the cost may be an issue. But no matter what your reason is for putting off your dental checkup, it’s great that you’ve made the decision to go back! It can be quite stressful preparing for a visit to the dentist after a long hiatus but try not to worry too much. Here is a list of things you can expect when you climb into the dental chair.


3 Ways to Curb Your Sugar Cravings

December 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 10:29 am
Cubes of sugar

Sugary food and drinks often wreak havoc on your teeth, but eating sweets can be a very hard habit to break. Both sugar and high fructose corn syrup can be found in many products we consume on a daily basis, including bread, pasta, salad dressing and more. In addition to tooth decay, sugar can cause weight gain and increased blood pressure putting you at higher risk for diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Read on for 3 ways to help curb your sugar cravings and get your diet back on track.


Five Tips for a Healthy Holiday Smile

November 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 7:29 pm
family smiling for screen at holiday gathering

The holidays are around the corner, and so are all the savory foods and drinks filled with starch and sugar. These traditional holiday foods might be good for the soul, but they can wreak havoc on your teeth. Not to worry, though! Your Selbyville dentist has five tips to share with you that can help you to be kind to your smile this season while still enjoying your favorite treats.


Five Bad Habits for Dental Implants

November 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 7:32 pm
dental implants model

If you have invested in dental implants, you probably know by now that they are designed to last you for decades. Even though they’re extremely strong and more stain-resistant than natural teeth, it’s still very important to care for them regularly. Your Selbyville dentist knows you want to keep your smile looking lovely, so keep reading to learn five habits that you should avoid in order to increase the longevity of your dental implants.


How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

October 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 11:24 pm
Dental implant

Thanks to modern dental technology, if you’re one of the 178 million Americans missing at least one tooth, you have several different options to choose from in order to replace it. But when you’re looking for a tooth replacement option, there are numerous things that you want to consider, like longevity. One of the most popular replacement methods that is preferred by dentists and patients alike is dental implants, but you may be asking yourself – how long do dental implants last? Continue reading to learn about the lifespan of dental implants and what you can do to increase it.


5 Dental Trends You Can Expect in the Next Decade

October 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 8:05 pm

Throughout the years, technology has come a long way. Think back to what things were like when you were growing up. For many, it feels like they’re living in a different world. The same thing goes for dentistry in the sense that new technologies and innovations have made the field much more advanced than even before. We can only expect for all sorts of new dental trends to emerge in the coming years. Here are just a few of them that you will see in the next decade.

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