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Kramer Dental Blog

Can I Replace My Existing Restorations with Dental Implants?

August 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 10:01 pm

Dental model of implant supported bridgeIf you have replaced lost teeth with bridges, partials, or dentures, you haven’t missed your chance to invest in dental implants. Unlike traditional prosthetics, a dental implant replaces the entire tooth structure. This creates the next best thing to a real tooth to provide unmatched benefits. Most people with good oral and general health are candidates for dental implants, even if you have existing restorations. Here’s what you need to know to make the swap. 


Keep Dental Emergencies at Bay with These Back-To-School Safety Tips

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 9:44 pm
Man prepares child for school

It’s that time of year when summer packs up and heads away for another nine months, and that means your child will soon be going back to school. Though everyone wants their kid to be safe in class, dental emergencies can still strike even in the finest institution of education. Luckily, there are steps you can take to help your child stay out of the way of dental danger. Here are some tips to prevent trips to the emergency dentist’s office during this coming school year.


A New Kind of Bacteria is Linked to Tooth Decay

July 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 10:29 am
A closeup of teeth suffering from tooth decay

You probably know bacteria affect your oral health. In particular, you grasp that several kinds can harm teeth. However, scientists recently made a discovery that updates these facts. A study from this past year found a link between new bacteria and tooth decay. As such, you should work harder to clean your teeth. Your Selbyville dentist can explain if you want more details. So, here’s a primer on how bacteria decay teeth, the new discovery, and ways to prevent tooth decay.


Night Pain: Why Can Toothaches Feel Worse at Bedtime?

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 8:17 pm
Man lies in bed holding face in pain.

Toothaches can be a literal pain in the neck, but some say that the misery can be worse at some times than others. While toothaches can be prevented with proper oral hygiene and regular dental examinations and cleanings, people experiencing them often report that the pain gets worse at night. Read on to find out why a toothache might feel worse when you’re trying to sleep.


Why Dental Implants Shouldn’t Make You Embarrassed

June 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 6:10 pm
smiling person with a dental implant in their mouth

Dental implants are some of the most celebrated tooth replacement options by dentists—the so-called “implant revolution” has completely changed the face of dentistry to the benefit of patients.

However, as incredible as tooth replacement can be and as far as it has progressed, there are people who are self-conscious about showing their face with a new tooth in their mouth. In the worst cases, that can prevent people from getting the care they seriously need.

In the interest of changing the narrative, here are a few reasons why dental implants aren’t anything to be embarrassed about.


How Your Oral Health Impacts Your Immune System

June 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 6:07 pm
a sneezing woman surrounded by germs

In the wake of Covid, just about everyone is a little bit more conscientious about the state of their immune system, and worried about what could happen if they get sick. If you’re concerned about ensuring that you’re in the best health possible, you’re certainly not alone.

One thing you may not be aware of is that the state of your oral health is heavily related to the quality of your immune system. If you’re wondering how here’s what you should know.


How Flossing Can Actually Save Your Life

May 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 7:39 am
A man flossing his teeth in front of the bathroom mirror

You may already know you “should” floss your teeth. After all, every qualified dentist recommends the habit. Still, perhaps you don’t see the harm in skipping it. In that case, though, you’re making a blunder. The truth is that daily flossing can save your life! Indeed, it can prevent various deadly conditions. To get the details, listen to your Selbyville dentist. Here is why flossing is a life-saving practice, how to do it properly, and other oral health tips.


What Does It Mean If Your Teeth Feel Rough?

May 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 1:32 am

Smiling woman looking at her teeth in mirrorYour teeth should feel smooth and sleek when running your tongue over them. If you’ve noticed they feel a bit rough, you could be experiencing enamel erosion. Your enamel is the hard outer layer of your teeth. It is incredibly strong, but it can be damaged, leaving you at risk of various dental problems. Enamel loss isn’t something to ignore. Here’s why your teeth feel rough and what you can do to safeguard your smile.


Summer Is Almost Here! Here Are a Few Activities to Avoid for the Sake of Your Smile

April 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 6:49 pm
Smiling woman holding onto her hat at the beach

The weather is warming up, pools are re-opening, bright décor is everywhere… it must be summer! Whether your plans over the next few months include vacationing abroad or catching up on some much-needed R&R at home, it’s important to protect your smile every step of the way. Otherwise, your summer plans have the potential to cause tooth decay, gum disease, and other serious oral health issues. To prevent that from happening, read on to learn a few summer activities that can hurt your smile.


Dive Into Your Summer with Dental Implants!

April 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 6:05 pm
a woman smiling during summer with dental implants

Summertime is a wonderful time of the year. From memory-making vacations to family reunions, there are so many picture-perfect moments. However, if you feel self-conscious about your smile due to missing teeth, it can make you shy away from cameras or even freely interacting with others. The good news is there is no better time than now to restore your teeth with dental implants. Read on to learn why the summer is a wonderful time to brighten your smile with them.

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