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Kramer Dental Blog

Will Your Dental Implants Stain Over Time?

May 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 3:24 pm
3D rendering of a dental implant

If you’ve gotten dental implants from Selbyville dentists, you’re probably happy with the results. Where you previously saw tooth gaps that threatened your remaining teeth, now you see a full, white smile that anyone would love. Still, you’d be wise to consider whether your implants could suffer future setbacks. In particular, is it possible for them to stain like natural teeth?

The short answer is “yes.” For a more in-depth response, read this summary of the reasons behind dental implant stains and ways to prevent them.


3 Summer Foods to Eat Carefully with Dental Implants

May 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 3:40 pm
Close-up of man eating a strawberry

You may have heard that eating with dental implants is easier than dentures or bridges. If so, you heard right! They let you chew more thoroughly compared to alternatives. There’s no risk of them falling out during your meal either. However, some foods can still be tricky for implants — particularly summer items.

Here’s a summary of what implants let you eat and three of their cautionary summer foods from Selbyville dentists. Consider it the next time you head out for a seasonal BBQ or cookout.


Do I Rinse My Mouth After Brushing My Teeth?

April 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 8:46 pm
girl rinsing her mouth after brushing teeth

Most people grow up learning to brush and floss their teeth every morning and evening to keep a healthy smile. You might have even been told to rinse afterwards, either with water or a mouth rinse. While there are benefits to washing out your mouth, you may want to hold on for a moment before doing so. Read on to learn when rinsing is beneficial during your dental hygiene routine!


3 Steps to Prepare for Dental Implant Surgery

April 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 2:56 pm
man smiling and planning for dental implant surgery

Dental implants are the most effective way to replace missing teeth. If you’re committing to the treatment, then you’re likely excited to see the final results! But maybe you aren’t sure what to expect during your procedure? Read on to learn three important steps to take when preparing for your dental implant surgery.


Can Flossing Save Your Life?

March 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 6:45 pm
person flossing in Selbyville

Most of your life you’ve been told to floss and brush your teeth every day to keep your smile clean and shiny. While this continues to be true, new studies have revealed flossing to be even more crucial by increasing your chances for a longer life expectancy! Read on to learn how this simple dental care practice can save your life and the proper way to do it.


Why Is There a White Film In My Mouth?

March 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 3:44 pm
person pointing at white tongue in Selbyville

Have you ever woken up to find a sticky white film in the mouth? Not only does this layer have a strange texture, but it also causes an odor that could be quite embarrassing. If this happens often, then you most likely have oral thrush. Read on to learn what causes this condition and the preventive measures you can take to maintain good dental health!


What Your Tongue Says About Your Dental Health

February 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 5:52 pm
person sticking their tongue out

Have you ever thought about how important your tongue is? This muscular organ lets you properly eat and digest food, swallow, and speak. Your tongue also helps protect your body from germs that enter through your mouth. Though your tongue plays a big part in protecting your pearly whites from harm, it can also indicate when something is wrong. Read on to learn more about different health issues your tongue can show signs of and how to properly clean it.


Stages of Oral Cancer, Prevention, and Treatment

February 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 5:22 pm
Stages of Oral Cancer, Prevention, and Treatment

Every year, more than 50,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer. There are six kinds of oral cancer, including cancer of the tongue, the inner lining of the cheek, the lips, the gums, the floor of the mouth, and the hard and soft palate. During your biannual dental checkups, your dentist performs an oral cancer screening so they can keep an eye out for early signs of this condition, but what do the different stages look like? Read on to learn about the stages of oral cancer as well as tips for treating and preventing this condition.


4 Reasons to Schedule Dental Checkups Early in the Year

January 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 4:07 am
calendar with reminder to visit dentist and toothbrush

After the busyness of the holidays, many people find themselves finally taking a moment to catch their breath. Though this is a great time to catch up on shows, read a good book, or just relax after months of hosting loved ones, cleaning, and cooking, it’s also a great time to make an appointment to see your dentist. Read on to learn about four reasons why you should schedule your dental checkup early in the year.


5 Ways to Reach Your New Year’s Resolution of Flossing More

January 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kramerdmd @ 3:50 am
person flossing their teeth

The new year is in full swing! Have you started on your resolutions yet? Whether you set a goal to eat healthier, try new foods, or make new friends, it can be difficult to get started. Fortunately, the New Year’s resolution to floss your teeth more often can be broken down so it seems less daunting. Read on for five tips that will help you reach your goal of flossing more to keep your smile healthy and bright.

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