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Invisalign Selbyville

No More Wires – How Aligners Transform Your Smile

For years, traditional braces have been the standard for smile realignment. However, that doesn’t mean they are ideal for everybody. If you only have mild to moderate amounts of crowding, misalignment, or gaps, you may not see a need to wear braces for years at a time. Furthermore, if your mouth is sensitive to the metal materials they use, they may even be completely out of the question. Through Invisalign, however, you can make adjustments to your smile and do so in less time, all without using a single metal wire or bracket along the way. Call our dental office today to learn how Dr. James K. Kramer gets it done with Invisalign in Selbyville!

A man and woman brushing their teeth together with Invisalign in Selbyville

How Does Invisalign Work?

A mother and daughter hugging outside

During your Invisalign consultation, Dr. Kramer will closely examine all the different areas of your smile to confirm which sections could be more aligned. While this means confirming the presence of gaps, it also means checking for crowding, misalignment, or signs of an uneven bite (such as an overbite.) If he determines that Invisalign is right for you, he’ll begin the process of capturing detailed impressions of your mouth so that a series of clear aligners can be created.

These clear aligners apply gentle amounts of pressure to your teeth over several months at a time. Each series of aligners comes with multiple unique pairs, all of which represent a different stage of your treatment. Once you wear each pair for a specific period of time (generally 22 hours per day over the next two weeks), your smile will be in a straighter and healthier position. You will need to wear a retainer for an additional year following treatment to ensure your teeth do not shift back, also known as relapsing.

What Are the Benefits of Invisalign?

A woman smiling while holding aligner for Invisalign in Selbyville

Clear aligners are designed to be transparent, so those who are concerned about their image (ideally working adults) won’t have to worry about changing their appearance. Furthermore, the aligners are fully removable, so there’s no need to worry about changing your diet or your personal oral care habits just to undergo treatment. This cannot be said for traditional orthodontics, which are fixed and cannot be removed until treatment is complete.

Additionally, Invisalign does not take nearly as much time as traditional braces do. On average, treatment lasts for about one year, but even this varies depending on how misaligned your teeth are.

Should I Consider Invisalign Treatment?

A person holding a clear aligner for Invisalign

Invisalign is a great option for many, but it’s not always for everyone. For example, we do not recommend treatment for those who are younger and still have developing mouths. At that point, traditional orthodontics are a better fit. Invisalign is more ideal for teenagers and adults, both of which have teeth that have fully developed.

If you only have mild to moderate levels of misalignment to manage, then Invisalign is likely for you. If you are trying to maintain a professional image at your workplace or while finishing school, you may find it much easier to manage day-to-day then metal braces.

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

a person putting a coin in a piggy bank

If you’re interested in undergoing Invisalign to straighten your teeth, then you can expect to enjoy a discreet and comfortable process while enhancing your smile. Still, you’ll also want to know how much you’ll need to pay for the treatment before going forward. Since no two smiles are the same, this orthodontic process can vary in price based on your situation. That’s why you’ll need to visit our team for a consultation so we can provide you with a more accurate estimate. Until then, here’s what you should know about the cost of Invisalign as well as your financing options.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Invisalign

a woman smiling while holding an Invisalign aligner

In many cases, the price of Invisalign can vary from patient to patient due to a few factors, such as:

  • The complexity of your orthodontic issues : The type and extent of your dental misalignment can influence the number of clear aligners that you’ll need to use, which can increase the cost.
  • The number of arches you need to correct : Straightening one arch of teeth can typically cost less than needing to correct both arches.
  • Treatment compliance : You’ll need to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours every day. If you aren’t able to comply with your treatment plan, it can cause you to take longer to complete your process, which will only raise the price over time.
  • Additional accessories : If you require other appliances or accessories, such as elastic bands, this can increase how much you’ll need to pay.

Invisalign vs. Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

a pair of Invisalign aligners on a glass table

Those who are on a budget may want to pursue a more affordable treatment process for straightening their smiles, such as Smile Direct Club. However, the lower price will often coincide with the quality of the results. This is because DIY clear aligners usually don’t use materials that are as durable or effective as professional products like Invisalign, and you won’t have direct supervision from a dentist, which can increase the risk of errors that’ll need to be addressed by a professional anyway.

Instead of risking complications, you can undergo orthodontic treatment with Invisalign, which has been consistently successful with its results. Our team will also work with you through the entire process, ensuring minimal hiccups along the way to straightening your pearly whites.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

a person covering a tooth with their hands

Many dental insurance companies help in covering the cost of orthodontic treatments, including Invisalign. Still, you’ll want to verify the specifics of your benefits with your provider before jumping ahead with the process. You can also consult our team as we’ll be more than happy to help you navigate your policy, file claims, and make the most of your plan so you can achieve the straight smile you deserve.

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

a dentist showing a patient the cost of Invisalign

Our Kramer Dental team understands that not everyone is covered by dental insurance. That’s why we’re proud to partner with a third-party financier known as CareCredit. With their plans, you can typically split the overall cost of your dental treatments into monthly payments so you can minimize how much you pay upfront. Also, these installments tend to come with low to no interest! You’ll be able to straighten your smile without having to break the bank.

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